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Welcome to Bach Flower Cats - Free Introductory Call

Welcome to Bach Flower Cats - Free Introductory Call

Hi, I'm Lorraine

Cat mum to Mooncat, Marley & Dinky.

I use a mixture of Bach Flower Remedies, animal communication, environment enrichment to help you to support your cat.

Every cat is unique, just like us. Like us they can experience difficulties in life and express how they are feeling through their behaviour.

Problems in cat behaviour stems from an emotional state. I will help you understand what this issue is and help you get your cats emotions balanced again.

Please contact me for a free 20 minute call to discuss the situation with your cat to advise how I can help

Include in the contact details an overview of the situation along with your cats name.

NB: During this call no advice will be given.

Please use the 'Leave a Message' on my website to get in touch.  

Once I receive your message I will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time for the call.


Get In Touch With Me

To find out more about my services, please leave a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

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