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Animal Communication

Animal Communication

General Consultations

Have you ever thought that you cat/animal is trying to tell you something? Well they probably are!

They communicate with us through a non-verbal language. They use senses, connecting intuitively through feelings, thoughts, sensations and pictures.

Connecting with them this way creates a deeper bond with them and you will gain insights into their world.

Animals are very sensitive to energy, our energy and the energy in the home will affect them and their behaviour.

How does it work?

I connect via a photograph, so I don't need to be physically present with them.

You can ask questions and I will share their answers/opinions.

It is always so special to connect and I do it with love. I create a safe space for them to open up and share and feel understood.

They often have a sense of humour and can have questions for you too. I will share exactly what they tell me.

Rainbow Bridge Consultations

I am so sorry for the loss of your precious companion, please accept my deepest sympathy. I know from personal experience that this is a deeply emotional time. The unconditional love we share with our animals is an unbreakable bond.

Please give yourself time to process the loss before you book. In this time be gentle and kind to yourself.

What’s Included:

  • A connection with your cat/animal where I ask your questions.
  • You can ask up to four question and get to know what your cat/animal is thinking.
  • After I have connected with your cat/animal, I will type up the transcript and email it to you.
  • Any reflections, and any impressions that your cat/animal shared with me.
  • You will get an insight into your cat’s/animal’s world. It can help to deepen your relationship/bond.
  • You will hear about what your cat wants to share with you.
  • Often people feel a closer connection with their cat/animal after an animal communication.

I provide email consultations for animal communication. You don't have to schedule an appointment! All you have to do is send me your animal companions photo and details. I will then send you the typed transcript from the communication via email, allowing you to read through and process in your own time. This way enables a way to go back to it any time you wish.

What Happens Next:

Step 1: Send me via email ([email protected]) a picture of your cat/animal with a clear view of the eyes. The questions you wish to ask.

Step 2: Complete payment. You can purchase a session via my website or contact me if you wish to do a bank transfer.

Step 3: On receipt of payment and your animals details your booking is confirmed and I will send you a welcome email.

Step 4: I will do the communication and when complete I will email you the transcript.

This package is for one cat/animal only.

Get In Touch With Me

To find out more about my services, please leave a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

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