Animal Communication

Animal Communication

General Consultations

Do you feel your cat/animal is trying to tell you something? They communicate through a unique language of senses, feelings, and intuitive connections.

Experience a deeper bond: Connect with your animal on a deeper level by gaining insights into their world.

Understand their perspective: We all carry energy, and this energy impacts our animals. Animal Communication helps you understand how your energy and home environment affect their behaviour.

How it Works:

  • Simple and Convenient: I connect with your animal through their photograph, so you don't need to be physically present.
  • Ask Your Questions: You can ask up to four questions to gain valuable insights into your animal's thoughts and feelings.
  • Personalised Insights: I will share their answers, reflections, and any messages they have for you.
  • Safe and Loving Space: I create a safe and loving space for your animal to communicate openly and honestly.

Often, animals have their own message for you too! I will share these messages directly with you.

Rainbow Bridge Consultations

Losing a beloved animal companion is deeply painful. I understand the profound grief that accompanies this loss.

See transitioning as a gateway to a new beginning rather than an end.

Please allow yourself time to grieve. Remember the incredible love you shared with your animal friend – that bond is unbreakable.

What's Included:

  • A Connection with Your Animal: I will connect with your animal who has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
  • Personalised Insights: You'll receive a typed transcript of the communication via email, allowing you to process it at your own pace.
  • My deep understanding of loss and letting go and ability to guide you through the dark times, offering spiritual perspective and emotional support.  
  • To help you embrace the physical and spiritual challenges of transitions.
  • Deepening Your Connection: These communications can help you find peace and continue to feel connected to your beloved companion.

Easy and Convenient:

  • Email Consultations: No need to schedule appointments. Simply send me your animal's photo and your questions via email.
  • Read at Your Own Pace: Receive the typed transcript via email and revisit it whenever you need comfort and connection.

What Happens Next:

Step 1: Send me via email ([email protected]) a picture of your cat/animal with a clear view of the eyes. The questions you wish to ask.

Step 2: Complete payment. You can purchase a session via my website or contact me if you wish to do a bank transfer.

Step 3: On receipt of payment and your animals details your booking is confirmed and I will send you a welcome email.

Step 4: I will do the communication and when complete I will email you the transcript.

This package is for one cat/animal only.

Get In Touch With Me

Thank you for wanting to get in touch.

If you have a question about my services please drop me a message using this form.

To be part of the Bach Flower Cats Community you can sign up to my newsletter.

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