A Peek At Bach Flower Remedies

A Peek At Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies

Hello precious souls and welcome to my latest Blog!

Today I thought I would share a tiny bit about BFR with you….it’s just a tiny snapshot into the world of BFR. If anyone wants to know more please reach out to me.

The remedies were discovered and created by Dr. Edward Bach. Dr Bach had a successful career as a Dr & Surgeon. During his time treating his patients he understood that people’s emotional state affected their recovery rate. He left his successful Harley Street Practice and followed a path which led to the creation of Bach Flower Remedies. He recognized the healing quality of flowers and spent the last years of his life developing Bach Flower Remedies. The healing energy of the flowers/plants are used to treat states of mind and the physical consequences of that.

Just like humans’ animals have feelings and emotions too and suffer from stress, which in turn can manifest into a behaviour issue and or a physical issue. The remedies work by treating a state of mind.

When applied to cats they are a gentle and safe way of helping them to manage challenges, stress, trauma.

What ones to select?

The are 38 individual remedies in total and Rescue Remedy which is a combination of 5 of the remedies – Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem – for use in emergencies.

By observing the cat’s behaviour and speaking to the cat’s guardian then the appropriate remedies can be selected to suit the individual cat’s needs.

Bach Flower Remedies can make an enormous difference to your cats’ life. They work perfectly alongside orthodox veterinary medicine. Any concerns about your cat’s health should always be checked by your veterinary.

Case Study

Lyra came to her guardians from a rescue. When she arrived at the rescue, Lyra was spayed, and Lyra also had a bad flea infestation. She was treated over a period of two months and was signed off by the vet as flea free but continued to suck at the base of her tail where the infestation had begun. More upsetting behaviour, Lyra now tugs at her fur pulling out clumps and leaving the area bare skin.

Remedies Selected & Why

Spayed - Star of Bethlehem for the trauma of the procedure

Moved from her earlier home to a Rescue Centre and the re-homed – Star of Bethlehem for the trauma of being in a rescue, Walnut to help with a different environment, Larch for confidence and to help adjust to the unfamiliar environment.

Continues to suck at the base of the tail – Crab Apple the cleansing remedy for overgrooming.

Pulling out her fur – Cherry plum for excessive uncontrollable licking/fur pulling.

How wonderful that these beautiful, gentle flower essences helped Lyra. Over a period, she stopped these behaviours, and her fur grew back. Such a happy outcome for this beautiful cat who is now settled and content with her forever family.

Until next time, keep purring.

Lorraine & Mooncat

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